About TotalTherapy

Since 2013, TotalTherapy has been delivering the best software and support to enable therapists to be more productive and increase the quality of lives. Our fully-integrated, robust system includes Scheduling, Data Collection and Reporting, Billing options and a Parent Portal. We continually strive to improve our offerings and keep up with the demands of the industry and our customers.

Our Goal

To empower therapists and clinics to treat more patients and achieve better outcomes – cost effectively.

Our Mission

To simplify the business side of providing therapy and increase productivity.​

Our Clients

Over 4,000 licensed professionals use TotalTherapy every day.

TotalTherapy Leadership Team

Our team at TotalTherapy is at your service and we love our work! We come from diverse backgrounds and specialties. We’d love to share our story and expertise with you. Please contact us to see how we can help you be more productive, save money and help more patients.